Sunday, July 20, 2008

Unfolding Sky (a gunsaku)

Unfolding Sky Song
authored by Great Creator
on one single page

One Great Creator
holds clear title to this sphere
magnets mud and all

length width depth formless
nothingness before chaos
infinite zazen

open empty space
seventeen dimensions deep
good place to put stars

Great Creator speaks
each word a new universe
shining and vital

in the beginning
one First Flash not some big bang
order from chaos

orbits by design
every star lets there be light
see that it is good

vacuum filled with light
forever after shining
lotus from the swamp

galaxies are born
live through their alloted time
become something else

our "Big Bang" one pulse
cycle of open and close
heart of the monad

mind of God creates
planets of evolution
universal truth

made after His kind
every star has its species
given eyes to see

thus spake Creator
"Light shall be for eyes to see
fill this void with it

Let light spread and grow
gathering in galaxies
shine on countless worlds

Each world shall wonder
at the beauty in its way
light shall become life

Each spectrum of life
shall share its world of light
so there shall be Love

Love from life from light
ever after balancing
against cold darkness

Now let there be light
evolving life into Love
on worlds without end

Love of Creator
creation and each other
shining ceaselessly

Wisdom between stars
each a unique entity
alive and aware."

waits upon her starry throne
to be recognized

the seven sisters
Pleiadean galaxy
sends Earth fond greetings

Man is part of Earth
Milky Way galactic life
Universal mind

One thousand stars shine
Within one hundred light years
These are our neighbors

Ancestral home stars
Elders and younger cousins
Whose lives are precious

Let us become friends
Open sharing light life Love
We with eyes to see

Let's evolve past war.
Peace and love to you and yours,

Thanks For Adding Me

Thank you for the add
I am a haiku writer
Different from most

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"He Pours River"

Stream was always there,
So I dipped my tea kettle
Too much, poured some back

One who saw said, “look!
He pours river from kettle!”
Thus legends are made.

Ways not known to me
Appear beneath my Nikes

What led me here now
I shall follow in future
Ways remain unknown

As temple bell rings
Flock of sparrows leaves its tree
Will they all return?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wretched Apology-(prequel)

As a poet, I
hate to hear, “I don’t get it.”
But to “pay” for it.?.

Only on urbis
Is haiku so prized.
I’m proud to be here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This tiny
Bird that if
You are cute
Even pretty
You cannot
Have unique talents
Unequaled in all the world so she built her tiny nest
And she laid her tiny eggs, and she taught her
Tiny chicks that they are cute even pretty
Even beautiful and if they studied her
Good example
And practice
every day
They could
Have unique
Talents found
Nowhere else in
All of the whole world


sad haiku addict
views world as sevens and fives
hummingbirds giggle

From how many angles might one observe a grain of rice?
There are infinite ways of saying one simple thing.
As my words are read silently,
across vast volumes of empty infinitude,
riots of quiet thought reflect against
the perfect mirror of some unknown reader.
Reflecting and resonating a certain turn of phrase.
Growing like a smile, those untellable miles mean less than
the nothing that separates my thoughts from yours.
Dancing back to back, put through our paces,
have we grown closer to each other,
or some monstrous perfection
seen only in the halcyon ashes of evolution?

Bosh and falderal!

I say, bark your pleasures and pains until they are no more.
Laugh until you weep, then cry yourself to sleep,
and slumber through the storms,
returned, and stolen
and found
in a three-lined, unrhymed verse.

Gunsaku gathers
various viewpont verses
each stands on its own

Haiku seventeen
Join in celebration
Portal to Dreamland

fleeting illusions
relax away from conflict
embrace enigma

edges of a dream
curative chaos patterns

On seventeen wings
Muse soars above destiny
Waiting for Poet

Haiku meta-muse
Vivid creativity
Tiny arena

Smiling Man-Shaped-Wind
Pressed into dream stilled willow

Native guide of dreams
Presents passed to future friends
Remember this face

whose mask gazes deep
finding words in flocks of birds
counting flocks of sheep

more than I can say
in what little time remains
take my word for it

This is not over
Homo Sapiens mankind
Is not the last word

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Man-Shaped-Wind : Enter the Abecedarian

something spooked the cats
Haikudo forgets purring
Meta leaps from bed

Her collar tinkles
aweigh down moonlit staircase
quiet dreams return

Childhood home kitchen
everything in proper place
daily chores finished

Afternoon cartoons
Back following messages
Cereal box dance

Delicious breakfast
Energy for playground games
Faster than the rest

Grownups in the house
Haunt responsibilities
I watch dream T V

Jet powered action
Kids save their town from monsters
Lunatics and thugs

Mountains streak below
New character friend or foe
Only time will tell

Preview of next show
Queen of dream sends champion
Racing with Jet Kids

Saving the future
Tune in tom arrow and see
Ultimate showdown

Victory assured
Waving heroes, credits roll
X factor revealed
Youthful television dream
Zooms away, I'm still asleep

Almost awake view
Banished from reality
Creature made of mind

Dream-scape citizen
Everado Man-Shaped-Wind
Face another day

Grasp February
Handle your business in the
Indigo yonder

Monday, February 4, 2008

18 for the Full Moon (a gunsaku)

Time and space arrive
Then are gone like a mirage
I and I survive

Embrace paradox
Don't try to understand it
Long live enigma

Visual phrases
Cast object in subtle glow
Looking good in print

Make love to your muse
All poets must find release
Writer's block be damned

They don't look like us
Their language is just plain weird
But they still have rights

This is the classic
Haiku form five seven five
Syllables three lines

Who was on the phone
No one just a wrong number
Oh your girlfriend huh

Shiver to the bone
Cold and wet starting my day
Somehow poetic

Only three lines deep
seventeen syllables long
Wide as the mind's eye

Violets are purple
Some roses are pale yellow
Orchids span rainbow

Dancing on the edge
Beyond the traps of comfort
We find strange angels

The wall between worlds
Is a world unto itself
With native life forms

High white whispy clouds
Draw circles around full moon
In rainbow colors

Zen is for people
Seeing world as mind echos
Silence ones own voice

I'll gladly repay
Tomorrow if you buy me
Hamburgers today

Such a pleasant war
Spinach salad for the soul
You'll be glad you did

The Terran Tango
Global destruction with a
Mercenary zeal

Behind me satan
Demons do-si-do angels
God up in my face

All This Beauty

Welcome to the edge
A new unknown approaches
Remember to love

Lingering vision
Ignite groups of winning smiles
Promise to return

Common brown beetle
Orbits saucer on back porch
Not cracked like its cup

Enjoy this for now
No spring shower lasts all year
Drift with early snow

Steady Winds of Change (a gunsaku)

Steady winds of time
Blow silver onto our hair
Wrinkles in our skin

Don't have to like it
Just be there as it happens
Grins come on strange winds

Feeling much younger
Than my grandkids say I look
Laugh erases years

I'll live long enough
To play work and play some more
I have already

Ugly innocence
Not trying to hurt feelings
Too young to stay mad

It's a lot of work
To be five years or fifty
I've had more practice

Child's curly wild mop
In the way combed every day
Wishing he was bald

Looking back on it
I've had a pretty good life
Even the dim parts

I tell clean jokes and
To keep the tot entertained
Play with wooden trains

Chakras (a gunsaku)

Leaping and hopping
Overcoming gravity
Guided by spirit

Diving upward free
Ultimate reality
Embraced by your heart

Erotic channel
Rising up the spinal chord
Behind the navel

Roller coaster feel
Hold on tight darling we go
Shine solar plexus

Lush forest of new friendships
Make yourself at home

Cerulean sky
Captured in so many words
No one needs to speak

Lapis indigo
Gaze deep into our present
Knowingness abounds

Violet crown sparkles
Many lifetimes from afar
We have earned this one

A simple light beam
Caught in a prism scatters
Across the spectrum

Your colors and mine
Double stereo vision
Enlighten our world

Combined we conquer
Sad darkness of division
Light healing nature

Sunday, February 3, 2008

the Haiku Reflex (a rensaku)

Haiku like sneezing
An itch that MUST be scratched or...
...that way lies madness

Sneezing like haiku
Politely done in private
...Pardon me (Ah!-Choo!!!)

Both done the same way
By anyone who does it
For the same reasons

Sneeze reflex haiku
A tickle deep in the mind
Produce sudden verse

New (Ah-Choo!) Challenge
Ward for impolite poets
Come get the sniffles

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bosh and Falderal : Man-Shaped-Wind Meets Haiku Meta-Muse

sad haiku addict
views world as sevens and fives
hummingbirds giggle

From how many angles might one observe a grain of rice?
There are infinite ways of saying one simple thing.
As my words are read silently,
across vast volumes of empty infinitude,
riots of quiet thought reflect against
the perfect mirror of some unknown reader.
Reflecting and resonating a certain turn of phrase.
Growing like a smile, those untellable miles mean less than
the nothing that separates my thoughts from yours.
Dancing back to back, put through our paces,
have we grown closer to each other,
or some monstrous perfection
seen only in the halcyon ashes of evolution?

Bosh and falderal!

I say, bark your pleasures and pains until they are no more.
Laugh until you weep, then cry yourself to sleep,
and slumber through the storms,
returned, and stolen
and found
in a three-lined, unrhymed verse.

Gusaku gathers
various viepont verses
each stands on its own

Haiku seventeen
Join in celebration
Portal to Dreamland

fleeting illusions
relax away from conflict
embrace enigma

edges of a dream
curative chaos patterns

On seventeen wings
Muse soars above destiny
Waiting for Poet

Haiku meta-muse
Vivid creativity
Tiny arena

Smiling Man-Shaped-Wind
Pressed into dream stilled willow

Native guide of dreams
Presents passed to future friends
Remember this face

whose mask gazes deep
finding words in flocks of birds
counting flocks of sheep

more than I can say
in what little time remains
take my word for it

This is not over
Homo Sapiens mankind
Is not the last word

Saturday, January 19, 2008

15 Random Haiku

Haiku demonstrates
How our thoughts can become things
And things become thoughts

Most amazing thing
You could ever want to see
It was something else

Ectoplasmic goo
Drippping from my fingertips
Give birth to haiku

Bizzare new fashion
Shirts that show off mens’ nipples
And washboard bellies

A three line long verse
Suddenly asked it’s poet
Where haiku come from

Mommy and Daddy
Words love each other so much
They made a haiku

Cloned champion cats
Widescreen high def plasma cheese
Make better mousetraps

Cut away the false
The indirect and extreme
Leave only essence

Verbal symbols glimpse
Season depth moment insight
Focusing mind’s eye

Mysterious light
Shines through around between all
Who have eyes to see

The butchered poem
Bled it’s last meaning and died
Helpless readers wept

Last years snowmen melt
Replaced by futuristic
Snow battle fortress

Rising from ashes
An elegant turn of phrase
Rescues the whole page

Venal malfeasence
Is impeachable by law
If you’ve got the guts

During times of war
Disagreeable people
Indulge in murder

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dreaming Man-Shaped-Wind

Banana tree leaf
nodding April thunder beats
Emerald chakra

Behind poets mind
Winds dreaming scene leap heroes
Pouncing Jungle Kite

Yards of silk chase clouds
Haiku read by presidents
Visions of nature

Blogger : Gunsaku
Collected haiku verses
Dreaming Man-Shaped-Wind

Defy gravity
Race through May garden dew
Busy dragonflies

Tiny metallic
Hummingbird wing feather
Perfect haiku quill

Gathering of haiku verse
Blog spot gunsaku

Poet J.E. Peele
Can not stop writing haiku
Sunny waterfall