Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"He Pours River"

Stream was always there,
So I dipped my tea kettle
Too much, poured some back

One who saw said, “look!
He pours river from kettle!”
Thus legends are made.

Ways not known to me
Appear beneath my Nikes

What led me here now
I shall follow in future
Ways remain unknown

As temple bell rings
Flock of sparrows leaves its tree
Will they all return?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wretched Apology-(prequel)

As a poet, I
hate to hear, “I don’t get it.”
But to “pay” for it.?.

Only on urbis
Is haiku so prized.
I’m proud to be here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This tiny
Bird that if
You are cute
Even pretty
You cannot
Have unique talents
Unequaled in all the world so she built her tiny nest
And she laid her tiny eggs, and she taught her
Tiny chicks that they are cute even pretty
Even beautiful and if they studied her
Good example
And practice
every day
They could
Have unique
Talents found
Nowhere else in
All of the whole world


sad haiku addict
views world as sevens and fives
hummingbirds giggle

From how many angles might one observe a grain of rice?
There are infinite ways of saying one simple thing.
As my words are read silently,
across vast volumes of empty infinitude,
riots of quiet thought reflect against
the perfect mirror of some unknown reader.
Reflecting and resonating a certain turn of phrase.
Growing like a smile, those untellable miles mean less than
the nothing that separates my thoughts from yours.
Dancing back to back, put through our paces,
have we grown closer to each other,
or some monstrous perfection
seen only in the halcyon ashes of evolution?

Bosh and falderal!

I say, bark your pleasures and pains until they are no more.
Laugh until you weep, then cry yourself to sleep,
and slumber through the storms,
returned, and stolen
and found
in a three-lined, unrhymed verse.

Gunsaku gathers
various viewpont verses
each stands on its own

Haiku seventeen
Join in celebration
Portal to Dreamland

fleeting illusions
relax away from conflict
embrace enigma

edges of a dream
curative chaos patterns

On seventeen wings
Muse soars above destiny
Waiting for Poet

Haiku meta-muse
Vivid creativity
Tiny arena

Smiling Man-Shaped-Wind
Pressed into dream stilled willow

Native guide of dreams
Presents passed to future friends
Remember this face

whose mask gazes deep
finding words in flocks of birds
counting flocks of sheep

more than I can say
in what little time remains
take my word for it

This is not over
Homo Sapiens mankind
Is not the last word